Channel: Flippers 'n' Fins
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Emergency Room •

It's not very active.  You can tell by the fact that my power went out and nobody saw your post for two days - sorry about that!  But there are other aquatic frog forums out there that are active; I recommend you keep looking.  Feel free to keep us (er, really, mostly me) on your list though!

Causes of white blots on noses - mild injury from bumping into things (one of my ADFs actively preferred using other objects to stop himself!), infection.  DO NOT use any more turtle meds on your ADFs - turtles are much bigger and have very different skin, the dosage is almost certainly too high.  Under ADFs, you'll find a thread about tried-and-true ADF meds (in the sense that at least the med won't kill your frog).  Really, this forum's main contribution to the world at this point is as a research library.  It was once one of the best ones out there, so its sources, while dated, are still very useful.

Causes of "itchy"-seeming frog - shedding.  Do nothing.  If he doesn't take care of it himself, his partner will gladly help him shed and fight him over the right to eat the shed skin.

Can they have some dire illness like chytrid?  Sure they can.  But if neither frog is new to you (within the last 3 months) and you haven't introduced any creature or object from another tank into yours in the last 3 months (including tank equipment like a used gravel vac that you didn't nuke first), they don't have chytrid.  Just keep an eye on and possibly treat the nose, and look for evidence of shedding (which you may never see).  They typically shed about every 3-4 weeks.  (I only know that because I once treated mine with an antibiotic they thought tasted nasty on their shed skins, and they stopped eating their sheds forever after.  So now I know how often they shed.)

Good luck and keep us posted!

statistics: Posted by jhoytFeb 17, 2021

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